With the arrival of government sanctions, the increase in prices of petrochemical products was prevented and relative stability was achieved in the supply market for polymer and petrochemical products.
And according to what was reported by the State Prisons Foundation, Ahmet Asanlu said in a report by the Minister of Justice regarding the follow-up of the presidential mission regarding the stability of the petrochemical products market: polymer and petrochemical products, which represent about 85% of the country’s need for this purpose. It supplies products to government authorities, and conducts additional investigations.
The head of the government sanctioning body announced the impact of government punitive measures on the stability of the polymer and petrochemical products market last week and added: Through conducting many negotiations and invitations and obtaining the cooperation of the National Iranian Petrochemical Industry Company, the exchange rate for the account of feed and products of oil refineries and petrochemical companies returned to the previous price .
Assanlou also referred to a meeting attended by the CEO of the National Iranian Petrochemical Industry Company, the relevant deputies of the Ministry of Security, the Iranian Commodity Exchange Company, officials of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce and Cooperation, and the employer’s secretary. Petrochemical Industry Association, petrochemical and polymer materials on the stock exchange.
The head of the government sanctioning organization added: The supporting organization and the Iranian commodity exchange company, while identifying unofficial and inactive companies, should cut off the share of these companies and introduce violators of government sanctions.
Asanlu said: According to these approvals, the deputy head of industrial affairs at the Ministry of Security must measure capacity, allocate production units, verify them and announce the result to the state punishment organization.
And the head of the government sanctioning body, referring to holding meetings with the control authorities and reminding them of the duties of these authorities in pricing and oversight, announced any increase in the prices of petrochemical products without justification and in violation of government policies.
According to Asanlou, the most important reasons for the high prices of polymer and petrochemical products are the insufficient supply of polymer and petrochemical products on the Iranian Commodity Exchange compared to the local demand, the presence of fake and inactive companies in the production of finished items, the inadequacy of the share of polymer and petrochemical materials received by the production units, and the increase in the price of Exchange.
The head of the government sanctioning body confirmed: If the aforementioned decisions are implemented strictly and legally, we will witness definite stability in the petrochemical products market.
the end of the letter