
Approval of the resolution of the International Day for Combating Dust Storms in the United Nations General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly approved the “International Dust Storm Day” resolution on Wednesday, June 18, 1402, with the consensus and support of all countries.

According to informants, based on this decision, July 12, corresponding to July 21, is designated as International Dust Storm Day every year, and various events are held around the world on this day.

The resolution calls on all UN member states, the UN and its specialized agencies, other international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academics and other stakeholders to adapt to the national priorities of countries through education and the necessary. Measures to raise public awareness and promote health and well-being and increase sustainable land use and management, food security and resilience to climate change.

Based on this decision, the global coalition to deal with dust storms, in cooperation with the specialized agencies of the United Nations, will work to achieve the objectives of the decision, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations will also reflect the issue on states and member states. The United Nations system and other specialized agencies to take the necessary action.

The Islamic Republic of Iran plays a very important role in dealing with dust at the regional and global levels. In this regard, the international conference on dealing with dust storms, in cooperation with the United Nations, is scheduled to be held in Iran on September 19 and 20, with the participation of various countries and organizations.

the end of the letter

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