
Saving the lives of more than 56 thousand people in Nowruz 1402 rescue operations

The headquarters of the Nowruz Service of the Red Crescent Society announced in its Announcement No. 9 that 56,675 people were rescued in rescue and relief operations in Nowruz 1402.

According to the informants, According to the notification No. 9 issued by the Nowruz Service Headquarters of the Red Crescent, the latest status of the Red Crescent relief and assistance for Nowruz travelers is as follows:

1- 69,000 Red Crescent aid workers and volunteers stationed in 2,000 bases across the country on 24-hour standby have tried for the past 20 days to reduce road casualties by providing aid and services, providing medical services to travelers on vacation, and reporting on accidents. – Vulnerable spots, providing first aid to passengers in need, assisting in the release and emergency deployment of passengers trapped in mountainous areas and weather conditions, and releasing the injured in accidents… to serve the people.

2- Despite the warning, warning, effort, and the like. Police, Red Crescent, Road Administration, etc. Unfortunately, more than 600 people have lost their lives in road accidents.

3- Relief operations to save the lives of 56,675 people, treat outpatients for 20,769 people, release 374 people on the roadsides, emergency shelter for 4,570 people due to weather conditions, and transfer 1,519 people to medical centers. , etc. It has been part of lifeguards duty lately.

4- During the past twenty days, the Red Crescent medical centers provided medical, rehabilitation and medical services to 115,000 people.

5- In addition to the repeated and repeated recommendations for travelers wishing to return from the Nowruz vacation, we emphasize the recommendations of the Traffic Police, the Red Crescent and the Roads Authority to adhere to traffic laws, to know the weather conditions on the roads, to choose the right time to drive and to ensure safety. Take the car seriously to save yourself and other passengers.

According to the Red Crescent’s database, the Red Crescent is ready to carry out rescue and rescue operations for the injured.

the end of the letter

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