
Not singing the national anthem is a form of social inexperience / protest is a necessity for community dynamics

People all over the world watch sports. They are not well acquainted with the political systems and constitutional rights of each country. But they know the name of the country and its place in geography and history. We are the full representative of Iran in the World Cup. Everything we do against the international custom of national games and national competitions is an injustice to our country and our land.

In addition to reporters: Some players chose not to sing the national anthem at the finals of the Men’s Seating Volleyball World Championships in Bosnia and the national football team’s friendly match against Nicaragua. But some foreign media in Farsi took political advantage of the athletes’ failure to sing the national anthem and interpreted this as sympathy for the country’s last bitter days. The men’s volleyball team bowed to our country’s flag in celebration of the victory over Bosnia, or football players played the national anthem in honor of the national anthem.

The feeling of pride from the presence of our country in the world matches, and the tears of joy and happiness for all of us Iranians, are evident in the victory of our country’s team. Critics and demonstrators mean the status quo of society and the moderates in its affairs. They are undoubtedly happy with the victory of the national volleyball team in the sitting position and are certainly waiting to experience this joy of our country’s victory in the World Cup in Qatar.

We spoke with Seyed Majid Emami, member of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and assistant professor of cultural studies at Baqral Uloom University, about the performance of athletes and the contrast between their happiness and their silence.

A controversial topic in this regard is whether the athletes did not know about the misuse of foreign media by singing the national anthem. Perhaps before the last uprising, some people still did not sing the national anthem, but now this behavior is contrary to the joy of the flag. Although we have such behavior from Spanish athletes in sports, these athletes showed such behavior due to the contradiction of their political positions with the government.

Of course, these events, which sometimes occur in unstable media and cultural conditions of the country, do not deny the importance and superiority of the Iranian national team’s presence in world events and the World Cup. What is important is that the Islamic Republic of Iran, and of course the Iranian people, had the strength to be among the top 30 countries in the most important sporting event in the world. We must always remember that we spent years and days attending these gatherings. Your point is that the line between protest and dismissal is not well defined in our political education and there is also media literacy, laziness and media passivity. Sometimes we impose costs on a country’s national interests in order to provide something quite desirable, such as the right to protest. Social activism requires protest, especially young people. But of course, we are talking about a system that has been improved and is growing with more objections and changes. When we use the elements of imitation sometimes offered by the enemy, against our freedom and our nationalism. Subconsciously, there is confusion between the normative and utilitarian content of protest and leaving or destroying the social and political order. We inadvertently got it wrong about the jersey and the flag we’re fighting with. So in my opinion, what some athletes have done is a kind of mistake and lack of social experience. This can certainly be prevented by speaking, communicating, studying and observing global examples. What is important is that we hope to change, modify and improve the ways and speech of our country. Therefore, the era of dialogue and transformation, believing in the fundamental values ​​of the founder of the Islamic Revolution, especially freedom, independence and Islam, is the era of the main political axes of the regime. believe in change You have

But empowerment in sport by our athletes is a separate category from race to national aspects and performance.

What I want to say is the presence of the national team as a national team. This means the flag team and the national anthem team. Basically, as a national team, no sane activist has any problem with their anthem and flag, and weakening and destroying a team starts exactly from the point where you lose the identity of that team, that is, the nationality of that team. . .

Not singing the national anthem is a form of social inexperience / protesting the necessity of social mobility.

DrOf course, this statement and your words are correct. But here is the question. Do our athletes know this or not? On the other hand, as an Iranian for example, I have many national team players in the World Cup. Don’t show all your efforts to win the field because you are unhappy with the state of society.

the first; People expect a lot from their actors, and if you see a shortage of actors in this field, they will definitely be disappointed. Of course, the national anthem and emblem are a symbol of their fighting spirit and determination to win. In other words; The global image is the national team of the country and region we represent. People all over the world watch sports. They are not well acquainted with the political systems and constitutional rights of each country. But they know the name of the country and its place in geography and history. We are the perfect representative of Iran, Iran’s history and geography at the World Cup. Everything we do against the international custom of national games and national competitions is an injustice to our country and our land.

Is there a solution to this discussion with the athletes in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution?

The Ministry of Sports and Youth and the Football Association will do their best to enhance the technical indicators of the team. Nationalists act to answer and enlighten every questioner, and this is a source of pride for me and all my compatriots. The conditions that govern the virtual space are a kind of robotic terror, in minority riots and robot attacks, it turns the space into an all-black, one-sided design environment and a whirlpool of silence. According to recent opinion polls; Despite the ambiguity and the presence of problems and deprivation in Iranian society. They believe in maintaining the security and freedom of the country and moving quickly towards reforms and improving their livelihoods. In addition, Iranian society is fundamentally opposed to any move that harms its security and livelihood. In the past year we have taken important steps in removing obstacles to the peace of the people, and it seems that economic peace will be established in the country in the coming months with some kind of jihadist administration. At the end of summer, we are heading towards economic calm. One of the main results of the riots was the return of currency depreciation. Everyone knows that currency inflation is one of the deadliest viruses in our national economy. Certainly, with peace, there will be movement towards reforms and reforms of the cultural, social and political systems.

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