
Skoda statement following the presentation of material against the bar exam on the radio

According to the informants, the full text of the statement is as follows: “After showing some loose and biased content regarding the topic of advocacy in the “From now on” program of the Nassim Sidavsima network, the following points must be communicated to the audience of the aforementioned program in order to sensitize public opinion and other categories of nobles in our country.

1- Announcing the deletion of the abilities criterion from the syndicate exam is an invalid hadeeth. After approving the so-called Law to Facilitate the Issuance of Commercial Licenses (1401); According to Article 5 of this law, the eligibility criterion has been removed since last year, and the bar associations worked based on it from last year’s exam, despite the technical and professional criticism of the relevant law.

2- In the years preceding the Facilitation Law, the eligibility criterion was applied in the process of accepting trainee lawyers, not based on the opinion of bar associations, but based on the law on the quality of obtaining an attorney’s license adopted in 1376. It should be noted that the desired capacity in each governorate did not It is determined by the bar associations, but by a working group made up of judicial officials and the president of the county bar association.

3- The incitement to the lack of competition in the number of lawyers in the country is carried out from the platform of the Radio and Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, according to the statistics announced in some of the bar associations in the provinces, reaches 40% of the lawyers. In the county they couldn’t even renew their attorney’s licenses due to unemployment, and he had the gift of that job. Unfortunately, these unrealistic representations by opponents of the legal profession were one of the foundations of the Facilitation Act. While the legal profession welcomed the development of legal services for people, including the vulnerable and the disadvantaged, it considered the scientific and professional qualification of lawyers an essential pillar of fair procedures, and from the point of view of protecting public rights, it opposed approving the facilitation law. However, due to the practical adherence to the law, since its passage, and despite the conflicting opinions of experts, the facilitation law has been applied by bar associations.

4- It is surprising that, for the first time, the slow pace of judicial cases in the country is attributed to the number of lawyers. The handling of cases is exclusively the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities, and as it has been announced several times by the competent authorities that the procedures have been delayed in the process of handling cases due to the insufficient number of cases received with human resources and the limited facilities and requirements in the judicial branches and courts occur. It should be noted that there is no branch anywhere in the country that delays processing the case or issuing a decision in the case due to the lawyer’s preoccupation with the case or, for example, not receiving the lawyer’s defense bill. It is appropriate that program makers in radio and television, before producing content in different fields, learn at least the basic information in this field. The National Federation of Iranian Bar Associations hereby announces its readiness to provide these basic trainings.

5- Lawyers’ associations are considered one of the oldest civil institutions in the country, where secretaries carry out the recruitment test for lawyer trainees in the country, and by their nature, their function is linked to the basic rights of citizens, including the right to defend themselves before the courts. The unfair and sometimes biased atmosphere against lawyers and the legal profession on radio and television is unprecedented, but the officials of these media should know that satire and mockery of bar associations is a step against the principle of fair and just trial and, as a result, against the people. A media that earns its living from people’s pockets should not produce content that contradicts democratic values ​​and people’s rights.

6- It is noteworthy that due to the productive content of the Sadr-az-Zikr program, which sometimes caused the humiliation of the independent and time-honored legal institution, the National Federation of Iranian Bar Associations reserves the right that such a process, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Corporation, through the judicial authorities, continues to take measures to enforce Lawyers’ rights across the country.

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