
Supporting the scientific headquarters of applicants to establish “growth and development clinics”

The Headquarters for the Development of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the Vice President for Science, Technology and the Knowledge-Based Economy supports the creation and development of “Growth and Development Clinics”.

According to the informants, The Cognitive Science and Technology Development Headquarters aims to support the establishment and development of growth and development clinics in order to improve the cognitive health of the community with the help of timely diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to growth and development.

Within the framework of this policy, in order to provide, maintain and improve the developmental level of children through preventive measures, education, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for children of the target group, from the establishment and development of growth and development clinics in accordance with the regulation “Establishment and Operation of Specialized Growth and” Development Centers “with the support of the Ministry of Health treatment and medical education.

According to the scientific deputy for the presidency, in this supportive program, the headquarters for the development of cognitive science and technologies will support leasing facilities and provide installation space amounting to 10 billion riyals for the establishment and development of growth and development clinics. According to the guidelines.

Those interested can refer to this address for more information.

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