
The important issue in explaining and enlightening people is the duty of Friday imams

According to the electronic news agency, Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Mahdi Qureshi held a meeting with Imam Khomeini (may God be pleased with him) and the Supreme Leader of the revolution on the topic of explaining the unity strategy from the perspective of the first special meeting on Friday. Friday imams, members of the Ifta Council and Sunni clerics in West Azerbaijan said: Explanation to the people and the most important topic of enlightenment is the duty of Friday imams, who should listen to the people’s demands from the authorities.

Referring to the meeting of the Supreme Leader of the revolution with Friday imams across the country, he considered Friday imams to be the spokesmen for the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic, and said: Friday imams should have a paternalistic spirit in their city and take steps towards unity. . Scientists and people

As special speakers for this conference, the university faculty and professors considered that maintaining unity is derived from the point of view of monotheism, and described division as evil thought, and said: The importance of unity is one of the main goals. Worships such as Friday prayers, Hajj, fasting and zakat aim to create harmony and compassion among Muslims.

Hojjat al-Islam Bizar Shirazi considered unity the basis of Islam and added: To avoid division and sectarianism, we must conform to the common characteristics of Shiites and Sunnis.

Imam Mamosta Muhammad Kalchin Nejad Juma of Urmia Sunni said at this conference, that the unity and cohesion of the Islamic nation is one of the fundamental problems of Islam and that enemies are trying to increase differences and create ground: division in the Islamic community.

Osman Yousefi, President of the University of Islamic Religions in the Kurdistan Region, spoke about the differences between the history of Islam and the history of Islamic religions and their causes.

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