
There are 30,000 illiterate people in Kohgeloye and Boyar Ahmed

Speaking to reporters about the efforts made to reduce the illiteracy rate in the province, Mr. Hamza Bagheri said: Kogeloh city has the highest illiteracy rate and Jachsaran city has the highest literacy rate among Kohgiloh and Boyer Ahmed provinces.

He said: According to the research, a large percentage of social problems are related to illiterate people.

There are 30 thousand illiterate mothers in Kogiloye and Boyer Ahmed.

The Deputy Literacy Movement of the General Administration of Education, Kogiluyeh and Boyar Ahmed, indicated that the announced volume of literacy activities this year including all of them is 4800 people and the size of the notification next year is 5300 people, then a working group was formed. In the province, this volume will be distributed to cities and designated areas.

Bagheri explained: These activities will be officially launched in the province after notification of the executive instructions by the organization of the literacy movement in the country.

Expressing the role of the media in the governorate and the positive effects of their actions in eradicating illiteracy, he said: The media is the voice of the people and their screams do not go anywhere, and today’s programs have given priority to soft war. Therefore, the interaction between media and education can be effective and the media can help explain our literacy activities.


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