
The latest leadership conversations are of value to the sports community

The enemy’s arrow hit the stone

Recovery: Recent leadership talks of value to the sports community

Karate Batu told our country: The Supreme Leader’s recent statements are very valuable to the great sports community.

In an interview with the correspondent of the Sports Group of the News Agency, Muhammad Behboudi, he said in response to the recent events, chaos and confusion in some parts of the country: No party has confirmed the events that took place. Athletes protest is a natural right of the people and the authorities should listen to the criticism, but there should not be a situation where a handful of people cause chaos in society. In all these years, the great sports community tried to make Iran proud of international events, and of course it did.

Fortunately, he said, awareness among athletes has increased to the point that we see the Supreme Leader in part of his speech at the joint graduation ceremony for students of officers’ universities in the armed forces and our sports community referring to the positions. For some sports figures. It is healthy, and those who believe in those points and in the position of some people and respect them no less emphasize that they are worthless.

Follow Global Karate Governance: These conversations about leadership are of great value to the larger athletic community. Examination of cyberspace, especially in the recent past, shows that the enemy had a plan for sports champions, but the display of champions and coaches in the past days was a block on the arrows of the enemy.

Remind Mr. Vadorio: Great heroes and athletes should not be sprint games. If there is a problem, we must solve it in our time and not let the enemies and their followers ride the wave of pure feelings in the youth. The desire of everyone, including sports, is that unity, unity and compassion prevail in society because all our successes have been and will remain under this unity and solidarity.

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