A member of the Reconstruction Authority of the Islamic Council said: Inflation has made housing a popular component of capital in the country, and people are interested in buying and maintaining housing.
In an interview with reporters, Ali Azari said about the goals of the plan to regulate the housing rental market: The housing market is a complex area, and if we want to control the rental market, we must pay attention to the main issue, which is land and housing. Part of the control over the housing market is due to the overall economy of the country. The issue of inflation and devaluation of the dollar at the country level is one of the main factors affecting the housing market, which we must manage in the field of macroeconomics.
For example, he said, inflation has caused housing to become a capital good in the country. Today, housing is the most popular capital goods in our country. People pay attention to housing purchase and maintenance, so the issue of controlling and curbing inflation is very important to controlling the housing market.
This member of the council’s building committee said: With regard to the rental market, the plan that the council is now following includes 14 articles covering different sectors. In the field of human resources, this plan seeks to regulate real estate consultants and tries to resolve conflicts of interest in this area, because there is now a suspicion that part of the high cost of housing and rent is due to real estate consultants.
And the representative of the people of Quchan in the Islamic Council continued: In the tax field, this plan follows two issues. The first is the question of the executive guarantee for tax collection of vacant homes. On the other hand, there are tax breaks and incentives for landlords trying to rent out their homes for the first time, newlyweds, or writing long-term leases.
In conclusion, Azari emphasized: Our effort is to reduce government interference in the housing market. By anticipating incentives in this plan, we have tried to control the rental market with the participation of the people themselves. I think the main problem with the housing market is inflation, and if we can’t get inflation under control, the housing market will be hard to control.
the end of the letter