
Sheikh Diabat’s letter to Yahya Gul Mohammadi

New Persepolis striker Sheikh Dibtat, who is looking to return to the field, was injured in recent days while training his new team.

In this regard, Persepolis doctor Dr. “Unfortunately, Sheikh Dhiab injured his thigh muscles during training,” Hkirat said. From the moment of injury, the necessary medical measures were taken, and finally additional examinations and clinical examinations confirmed the correctness of the diagnosis.

Doctors confirmed the seriousness of Sheikh Diabat’s injury and announced that he would be out of action for several weeks.

The appointment of Cheikh Diabat after the fourth week of the Premier League closed the summer transfer issue for Persepolis and made the thoughts of fans and Yahya Gul El Mohamady much easier in terms of the team’s offensive line. The Sheikh, like Jurgen Lucadia, has been away from training for a long time, which is why Yahya decided not to risk him and allowed this striker to be in his team’s starting lineup after reaching his perfect form.

After the end of the sixth week and the end of the league, while the Persepolis coach rested his team for a few days, Cheikh Diabbeh continued his private training under the supervision of the coach of Persepolis at Kazemi Stadium, and he did so. He was allowed to stay with his teammates in training when I started again. I found the list of matches, but an early injury spoiled his schedule and Yahya Jules Al-Mahmadi.

And in this regard, we heard that Sheikh Diabeh recently addressed Yahya Gul Al-Muhamadi with sadness and shame: I want to return as soon as possible and help the team, the coach! However, the head coach of Persepolis, like the rest of the Persepolis team, is intrigued by the new outlaw morals of Iranian football and assures them they have nothing to worry about. We heard that Yahya Gul Mohammadi asked the African striker for his team not to think of anything other than treating him fully and returning to training with a better fit. According to his relatives, Gul Mohammadi is satisfied with many foreign players in Persepolis, especially in terms of behavior and morals.

Jurgen Lucadia, Cheikh Diabatti and Giorgi Guliciani are more professional and polite than the others and have managed to win a place in the hearts of Persepolis coaches and players. Lucadia and Giulciani play in the main team of Persepolis and both can be considered the most influential players of this season.

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